New BrownFlynn Whitepaper: "GRI Application Levels: Why Strive for an A?"

US BCSD member BrownFlynn, the first U.S.-Certified Trainer for the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), recently released their latest whitepaper, “GRI Application Levels: Why Strive for an A?,” authored by lead trainer, Cora Lee Mooney, with additional data provided by CSRHub. The study defines and examines the underlying structure of the GRI Framework and the differences between the Application Levels. It also describes how the underlying structure of the GRI Framework requires companies to demonstrate greater sustainability management capabilities in order to achieve a higher Application Level. Using CSRHub scores, which aggregate and normalize CSR ratings information from more than 130 sources, this study suggests that companies reporting at an Application Level A or B receive higher sustainability ratings than other GRI reporters.  Please click here to download the full whitepaper.

Blog, PressFatima Sadaqat